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Volunteer Spotlight - Rachel Moldenhauer

Jenn Byers • April 16, 2024

highlighting our dedicated volunteers

As National Volunteer Month unfolds, we're excited to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes behind the scenes of our enchanting theatre productions. Dive into the captivating world of our dedicated volunteers who infuse passion and dedication into every aspect of theatrical magic. Join us in celebrating their invaluable contributions, ranging from ushering to tech crew and more, as we honor their commitment to bringing stories to life onstage.

Today, we are highlighting the work of Rachel Moldenhauer. Rachel is an actor, and  currently serves on our Play Selection committee.

Rachel Moldenhauer reading a script of Sense and Sensibility for Attic Theatre, Inc.

How did you get involved in Attic? How long have you been volunteering with Attic?

RachelI first got involved with Attic when I was in middle school. I auditioned for “The Hobbit” and was lucky enough to be cast as ‘Gloin, the Dwarf’. It was my first community theatre experience, and it truly opened my eyes to how valuable Attic Theatre was to the Fox Valley. Since then, I have been involved with 11 (non-consecutive) seasons.  

What are some areas you volunteer with for Attic?

RachelUsually, you can find me on stage. I hold a BA in Theatre Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, with a focus in Performance. And with 27 years of on-stage experience, it’s truly my strongest passion. However, for several years, I created promotional and cast/crew interview videos for social media. I found it very rewarding to be able to capture magical moments from rehearsals and use them to draw in bigger audiences. I’m also currently on the Play Selection Committee, a group that gathers to read/discuss old and new works that have potential for future seasons.  We consider plays based on factors like production rights, budget, cast requirements, and more. Most importantly, we read and recommend plays based on the script itself and if we believe our actors and our patrons  (new and current) will enjoy the show.

Do you have a memorable experience of volunteering you’d like to share?

Rachel: In 2018, I was cast in Attic’s production of ‘Bus Stop’. From the first read-through, it was apparent the cast and crew team were top-notch. The whole rehearsal process was pure delight. I remember counting down the hours during the day until rehearsal would start. Audiences received the show very well, and I was fortunate enough to win my first Broadway Regional Award for my role. There are very few times you can look back on something with only joyous thoughts, but that show was undoubtedly one of them. I’m still very good friends with many members of that cast to this day. 

Why do you like volunteering with Attic?

Rachel: I have two reasons. The first is the quality and standards that Attic strives for each year. The talent both on and off stage, speaks for itself with the final results. The second reason is the community of support. Of course, not every experience is perfect, but I feel very safe in the rehearsal hall for the most part. I’m confident in trying new things and working on a character without fearing judgment or backlash. 

How do you balance volunteer work with other aspects of your life?

Rachel: Had you asked me this question three years ago, I would have said, “Easily! Theatre is my life!” Since then, I have gotten married, acquired two adorable corgis, and welcomed the most perfect baby girl into this world. Now, I can only say, “Very carefully, with the incredible help and support of my family and my day planner."

What do you do outside of volunteering/theatre?
Rachel: I’m very fortunate to be a SAHM, so most of my day involves reading Dr. Seuss and watching reruns of Bluey. Outside of family and theatre (I also work for Neenah High School’s theatre department and serve as an adjudicator for the High School One Act Competition), my time is pretty limited. When I do find time, I’m a huge movie buff and am currently looking for the perfect banana bread recipe. 

What advice would you give to someone interested in volunteering?
Rachel: If you’ve ever thought about auditioning or doing backstage work for Attic but haven’t reached out because you don’t have any experience, reach out anyway. Everyone starts somewhere. New skills can be learned at any age. In my opinion, community theatre hardly feels like volunteering because of how much it feeds the soul. Creating something beautiful from the ground up is as close to real magic as it gets. 

Rachel Moldenhauer in the production

Want to join the fun? Consider volunteering! Like many nonprofits, Attic Theatre, Inc. depends on our volunteers to do a variety of tasks. And there are many different ways you can get involved, regardless of your experience or the amount of time you have to volunteer.

If you're interested in volunteering, please visit the "Volunteers" page on our website and fill out the form with your information.

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